Sunday, June 9, 2024

The Spiritual Trap of Self-Sufficiency (10th Sunday - Cycle B)

Once when I was a young adult, I told my father that I wanted to be self-sufficient. He responded rather harshly: "That is the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit that will not be forgiven in this life or the next." Needless to say, I was taken aback. But after reflecting on his response, I came to appreciate the wisdom of his words.

At the heart of Catholic theology is the concept that God is love and that he created us out of love in order to share his love with us. As human beings, we are fundamentally incomplete on our own. We have an inner hunger that nothing and no one in the created realm can fully satisfy. The deep spiritual hunger that is in all of us can only be satisfied by God's infinite, eternal love. Only when we accept God's love for us and give ourselves in love to him can we find true peace and fulfillment.