Sunday, June 30, 2024

God Resolves Our Impossible Situations (13th Sunday - Cycle B)

The Gospel reading for this Sunday deals with two seemingly impossible situation. The woman afflicted with hemorrhages has struggled with her condition for twelve years. She has given all her money to doctors, who have not only not helped her, but her illness has gotten worse. In the context of Israelite culture, her situation would also result in social isolation. Israelites were very cautious when the membrane between the body and the external world was compromised or when people had discharges of blood or uncontrolled flow of bodily fluids. In those situations, the Mosaic Law would require that the person suffering from the condition be considered ritually impure and the person in question would have to isolate from the community for certain periods of time.

Since the woman in today’s Gospel passage has had the condition for twelve years, she has not had any respite from her social seclusion. Nevertheless, she braves going among people despite the rules in order to find healing. She believes that if she could at least touch even the garment of Jesus, she would be cured. Her decision to touch Jesus is, in her cultural context, a very bold choice. She is considered ritually unclean, and by touching Jesus, she would make him ritually unclean too, just when he is on the way to the house of the synagogue official to tend to his sick daughter. If her action were to be found out and Jesus would share in her ritual uncleanness, he would, according to the law, not be allowed to enter the house of the official himself.