Sunday, August 11, 2024
What is Eternal Life? (19th Sunday - Cycle B)
As we consider the question of eternal life, let us begin with two works of fiction. In the British classic Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift, the main character visits various strange lands. Among these is the country of Luggnagg, where live the Struldbruggs, a group of people who are immortal. Though Struldbruggs do not die, they still experience aging and disease, which makes their condition well-nigh unbearable after some time. They have the gift of immortality without the gift of eternal youth.
In another fictional universe, the vampire novels of Anne Rice, we see a different kind of immortality. Here the vampires can live indefinitely in our world, unless they are killed by sunlight or fire. They do not age, nor are they subject to illness. However, these vampires are atheists and have no belief in anything greater than themselves. In time, an existential boredom sets in, which causes a deep, restless angst. In one of the books, The Vampire Lestat, one vampire in fact commits suicide by jumping into fire because he cannot endure endless days without meaning. The message, whether intentional or not, is clear. Endless life without meaning is not a gift but a burden.