Scripture Reflections

Cycle A

Christianity Is a Proposal of Marriage (Lent III - Cycle A)

Fourth Sunday of Lent (Cycle A): Are We Blind to God's Graces? (Lent IV - Cycle A)

Jesus Offers Us Much More Than Endless Life (Lent V - Cycle A)

Cycle B

Embracing the Cross Gives Us Joy (5th Sunday - Cycle B)

Grace Favors the Bold (6th Sunday - Cycle B)

What Is Our Recompense? (Ash Wednesday - Cycle B)

The Desert Helps Us Find Our True Treasure (Lent I - Cycle B)

The Gate of Heaven Is in the Shape of the Cross (Lent II - Cycle B)

The Grace of God Is Not Transactional (Lent III - Cycle B)

How Is Our Sin Working for Us? (Lent IV - Cycle B

Choosing the Ultimate Self-Sacrifice (Lent V - Cycle B)

Let Us Welcome Jesus As the Crowds Did (Palm Sunday - Cycle B)

Service and Self-Sacrifice Are at the Heart of the Eucharist (Holy Thursday - Cycle B)

Don't Leave Jesus Because of Judas (Good Friday - Cycle B)

Good Friday Reflection - Yearning for Paradise

The Divine Plan to Re-Create the World (Holy Saturday - Cycle B)

What Is the Resurrection? (Easter Sunday - Cycle B)

Let Us Say With Thomas: My Lord and My God (Divine Mercy Sunday - Cycle B)

What Is Sin? (Easter III - Cycle B)

Loving Others Means Calling Them to Christ (Good Shepherd Sunday - Cycle B)

Christ Is the Way to True Life (Easter V - Cycle B)

What Was the First Christian Controversy? (Easter VI - Cycle B)

The Ascension Is a Call To Evangelization (Ascension - Cycle B)

The Holy Spirit Is the Animating Principle of the Church (Pentecost - Cycle B)

Who Is the Holy Trinity? (Trinity Sunday - Cycle B)

What Is the Eucharist? (Corpus Christi - Cycle B)

The Spiritual Trap of Self-Sufficiency (10th Sunday - Cycle B)

How Our Labors Come to Fruition (11th Sunday - Cycle)

What Today's Faithful Might Miss About the Calming of the Storm (12th Sunday - Cycle B)

God Resolves Our Impossible Situations (13th Sunday - Cycle B)

Finding God's Grace in Our Weakness (14th Sunday - Cycle B)

How Can We All Proclaim Christ to All the World? (15th Sunday - Cycle B)

Jesus Shows Us What a True Shepherd Is Like (16th Sunday - Cycle B)

The Cosmic Significance of the Multiplication of the Loaves (17th Sunday - Cycle B)

Breaking the Bondage of Sin (18th Sunday - Cycle B)

What is Eternal Life? (19th Sunday - Cycle B)

The Literal Meaning of the Words of Jesus (20th Sunday - Cycle B)

What Is the Pauline Image of the Ideal Husband? (21th Sunday - Cycle B)

Why We Must Flee From Even Small Sins (22nd Sunday - Cycle B)

Finding the Creator Through Creation (23rd Sunday - Cycle B)

Christ Before Everything (24th Sunday - Cycle B)

Embracing the Cross Is the Path to Joy (25th Sunday - Cycle B)

You Can’t Take It With You (26th Sunday - Cycle B)

Marriage Is the Height of God’s Creative Work on Earth (27th Sunday - Cycle B)

Christianity and Wealth (28th Sunday - Cycle B)

in Ordinary Time: What Is the Role of the Messiah? (29th Sunday - Cycle B)

Leaving Everything Behind (30th Sunday - Cycle B)

Loving with God's Love (31st Sunday - Cycle B)

God Asks Only One Thing of Us (32nd Sunday - Cycle)

The Four Phases of Creation History (33rd Sunday - Cycle B)

Inviting Christ to Be the King of Our Lives (Christ the King - Cycle B)

Cycle C

What Is the Message of Advent? (Advent I - Cycle C)

What Can We Do? (Advent II - Cycle C)

The Prayer that Brought Me the Most Joy and Peace (Advent III - Cycle C)

The Virgin Mary Has One Goal (Advent IV - Cycle C)

The Day That Changed the Universe (Christmas - Cycle C)

All Happy Families Are Like the Holy Family (Holy Family - Cycle C)

The Magi Knew the Answer (Epiphany - Cycle C)

Baptism Is the Foundation (Baptism of the Lord - Cycle C)

Jesus Gave Mary the Choice (2nd Sunday - Cycle C)

Rejoicing in the Law (Third Sunday - Cycle C)

The Rich Heritage of February 2 (Presentation of the Lord - Cycle C)

How to Discern Our Calling (5th Sunday - Cycle C)